The Long Run: One Painful Step at a Time

Dave Denaci

Sometime around the twenty-third mile, I saw my grandmother cheering for me in the small crowd of spectators that lined the route. It was gratifying to think that my grandmother had traveled 

Crack the Code for Dealing with Difficult People

Margarita Gurri, CSP

Do grumpy, bossy, fussy, energy vampires exist in the world of insurance? Yep! Be the best of the best in business by gracefully managing even the most difficult people.

I-We-You. Tips For Speakers and Writers

Dave Bricker

You’re addressing an audience. When should you switch from the inclusive “we” to the more personal “you?” When is it acceptable

What Makes a Book a Page-Turner?

Libby Kiszner

“Tell me a story!” is the not-so-private wish of every reader. “Make me care, excite me, scare me…” Readers want stories that transport them beyond their own reality, but yet offer clues that reveal something 

The Genius Business Model


Sharon Tukinski

Going it alone can lead to overwork and burnout for you, and can create unnecessary stress and tension in your workplace. It can breed competition, fear, dishonesty, tunnel vision and inefficiency. Successful collaboration is a balancing act of personality types, work habits, communication styles and skills. To the lone ranger, that might seem 

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